T. Hennessy's musings on music and life

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A good sign of things to come

Well, I think Spring is here. Not really, but at least there is light now when I leave work. Speaking of work, we just had our newest software release, and it is NARTSY. Be prepared. I know , I know, you're thinking I'm just gonna talk about it, but no, its true, there will be changes here at Shut Up and Dance!

Anyhow, after we had our 'pedal to metal' all hands Friday, I found this in our office supply of Goldfish. Miracle? or Marvel Of Modern Science?

I got my pre-production set-up and rolling, and started tracking some songs. We'll see what makes the cut, but except some pretty cool offers for you, my loyal reader.

Ok, I'm gonna see Monta Friday play the Mavs. Possibly check these guys out, and go to this Monday.

Also, Toshie Sagz will apparently be in town next week.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Its all happening

I just bought www.grogansocialscene.com. Expect this blog to move in the near future. And don't forget to "spring" your clocks forward this weekend.

I'm watching New Orleans slowly beat down on Dallas. CP3 is dirty. My co-worker Stan the Man wiped my computer clean yesterday, its awesome, but I don't have FoxyTunes any more.

This is some cool stuff.

Also, remember how good this album was? Too bad the old way of doing things is gone. A band like that couldn't break it that big in the new era of music.